Rof mwamphamvu modzimator filimu a lithiate niobate radulator 20g tfln radiator
Rof 20G TFLN modulator. Makina owonda a Liobate Niobate Niobate mwamphamvu kwambiri ndi chipangizo chosinthira cha electory electory, chomwe chimapangidwa modziyimira pawokha ndi kampani yathu ndipo wakwaniritsa ufulu wanzeru. Chogulitsacho chimaphatikizidwa ndi ukadaulo wophatikizira kwambiri kuti ukwaniritse ultra-ntchentche yosintha bwino. Compared with the traditional lithium niobate crystal modulator, this product has the characteristics of low half-wave voltage, high stability, small device size and thermo-optical bias control, and can be widely used in digital optical communication, microwave photonics, backbone communication networks and communication research projects.